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Kirstyn Allen, Corporate Contract Strategist & Mentor
Step 3: Check out these client testimonials
Landed her first contract in 2 weeks from cold to closed!
Arva has extensive experience as a corporate trainer working for the government but knew her expertise could land her a contract. After working our system and elevating her mindset, she landed her first contract in record time.
Closed $10k corporate training contracts and counting!
Indya is a therapist and mental health expert. She took her skills as a therapist and began offering coaching to burnt out executive women. Through our work together, she began landing corporate contracts to facilitate group coaching sessions for their leaders.
Landed Louis Vuitton Moet-Hennesy as a client!
Lauren is a Mindfulness and Gut Health Expert. She created a successful business coaching women individually to achieve their health goals. We began working together to leverage her existing expertise to land more corporate contracts. After our work together, she landed LVMH as a corporate client!
4'xed her income in just 3 months!
Bianca took her skills and started her own tax and insurance agency. We worked together to get some clarity around who she should serve and streamlined her systems. Within 3 months, she was attracting the perfect clients and 4'xed her income!
Revived her business after a 1-year hiatus!
Michelle decided that the corporate space wasn't aligned with the things that mattered most in her life and used her skills to start her own business. After a year hiatus, she revived her business, got clarity on her offers, and is now serving her ideal clients.
Went from "who do I serve" to 100% clarity
Karlos took her experience as a skilled accountant and started her bookkeeping business. She was challenged with figuring out how to develop a package that allowed her to work with clients in the way she enjoyed. Just after one session, we removed that roadblock so she could start attracting aligned clients!
Increased confidence in pursuing her business venture
Juanyetta came to me as a dualpreneur and author. Her challenge was figuring out how to properly market her skillsets online and create systems behind the business. After our time together, she increased her confidence in business and on the way to starting her journey as a full-time entrepreneur!
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Earnings Disclaimer: You agree that the testimonial statements above are provided for educational purposes only. We make no implications, promises, warranties, suggestions, promises, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you. Results are not guaranteed. Any earnings or income statements should not be used as a reference for your individual success. Success is measured differently for every coaching client and is based on several factors. There is no assurance that prior successes will apply or should be used as an indication of your personal success whether monetary or non-monetary. These testimonials should not be considered "average earnings" or "average results".